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by Mary Ann Zimmerman

Remember the Baltimore Catechism? It says, “God made us to know him, to love him and to serve him in this world and to be happy with him forever in heaven.” Our purpose on earth is to love God, then show the same love he offers us to others so they can come to know him.

Setting an example by our actions. Here is the V word that scares people. Yes, Volunteering. Since COVID 19, every parish suffers from lack of volunteers. The same handful of folks volunteer for multiple ministries. There is a saying that ‘many hands make light work’. You know yourself when you have family celebrations, and everyone is coming to your house. Everyone pitches in to help. Well, our church family needs you to pitch in and help. There are so many ministries in our parish to choose from. The Gift Shop and Donut Ministry is one of them. If more people volunteer, we can rotate the schedule to eliminate burnout or worse, closing the gift shop forever. Please don’t let that happen. On November 19, 2023, the gift shop will celebrate 19 years. Help us keep it going.

Jesus came to give us life. How are you giving life to St. James Parish? Please prayerfully consider volunteering today. First, you have to nourish your soul with daily prayer. Catholics are privileged to have the most effective prayers…the Mass/Sacraments and the Rosary. Through Mother Mary, we receive the graces we need to fulfill God’s plans.

Immaculate Hearts Gift Shop stock a variety of Daily Meditation prayer books. Each day contains a verse of scripture with reflection.

Advent devotional prayer book and the 2024 Sunday Missal in stock.


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