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by Mary Ann Zimmerman

Happy New Year. So many folks make resolutions every January to lose weight, get more exercise and so forth. Instead, I want to attend daily Mass more often, spend at least 30 minutes in prayer and 30 minutes reading scripture. My goal is to be the person God wants me to be. I know what you are thinking. You’re busy with family, kids, a job, friends, volunteering (I hope), and so there isn’t much time left in your day. Years ago, I was challenged to spend one hour in prayer. My response was the same, but I accepted the challenge. WOW! I was shocked to not only complete the prayer time but was also able to complete all my activities for the day. You see, you can’t out-do God. If you a generous with Him, he is generous to you. Whether it’s your time or your monetary contributions. Trust God!


If you are ready to commit to 30-minutes of prayer each day, I will give you a free packet of Holy Cards of the Sacred Heart of Jesus while supplies lasts. Each packet contains 25 cards to share with others. The card has the morning offering in English and Spanish. My goal is for people to lead a holy life. The closer we are to Jesus and Mary, the better. We have a variety of prayer books available in the Immaculate Hearts Gift Shop at St. James. The meditation series contains a scripture verse and reflection for each day. Happy New Year. So many folks make resolutions every January to lose weight, get more exercise and so forth. Instead, I want to attend daily Mass more often, spend at least 30 minutes in prayer and 30 minutes reading scripture. My goal is to be the person God wants me to be. I know what you are thinking. You’re busy with family, kids, a job, friends, volunteering (I hope), and so there isn’t much time left in your day. Years ago, I was challenged to spend one hour in prayer. My response was the same, but I accepted the challenge. WOW! I was shocked to not only complete the prayer time but was also able to complete all my activities for the day. You see, you can’t out-do God. If you a generous with Him, he is generous to you. Whether it’s your time or your monetary contributions. Trust God!


 If you are ready to commit to 30-minutes of prayer each day, I will give you a free packet of Holy Cards of the Sacred Heart of Jesus while supplies lasts. Each packet contains 25 cards to share with others. The card has the morning offering in English and Spanish. My goal is for people to lead a holy life. The closer we are to Jesus and Mary, the better. We have a variety of prayer books available in the Immaculate Hearts Gift Shop at St. James. The meditation series contains a scripture verse and reflection for each day.


God loves each and every person. It is up to us to respond to God’s love by helping those in need. Your parish family always needs extra hands. Step out in faith and volunteer. May the Lord bless you! May the Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you! May the Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!


Pray Hope and Don’t Worry



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